W.G. Wieringa (Wietse)
Werkzaam bij het Ommelander Ziekenhuis sinds
Opleidingen en werkervaring
2023 - heden Physician assistant, Ommelander Ziekenhuis Groningen
2019 - 2020 Physician Assistant, Ommelander Ziekenhuis Groningen (parttime)
2015 - 2016 Physician Assistant, Ommelander Ziekenhuis Groningen (locatie Delfzijl) (parttime)
2010 - 2016 Physician assistant, Scheper ziekenhuis Emmen (parttime)
2007 - 2023 Physician assistant, UMCG
(aandachtsgebieden: uveitis, glaucoom, macula aandoeningen en echografie)
2003 - 2004 Optometrist, Hanzevision (parttime)
2000 - 2007 Optometrist, UMCG
1998 - 2002 Optometrist, Leeuwarden
1990 - 1998 Opticien - optometrist, Assen
2012 - 2019 Promotietraject RUG. Proefschrift: ‘Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in inflammatory eye diseases’
2013 Basiscursus Regelgeving en Organisatie voor Klinisch onderzoekers
2011 Cursus Medical statistics, UMCG
2010 Cursus Farmacotherapie Wenckebach
2007 - 2010 HBO-master Physician Assistant
2006 - 2010 MSc Optometry, 4 modules
1995 - 1999 HBO Optometrie
Wetenschappelijke publicaties
2013 Visus vakblad optometristen: Basaalcelcarcinoom casereport
2012 Visus vakblad optometristen: Praktijk portret; de physician assistant oogheelkunde
2005 Visus vakblad optometristen: Het syndroom van Marfan case report
Wetenschappelijke publicaties:
2024 Submitted JAAPA: Physician assistants ophthalmology in the Netherlands, a national survey
2024 To be submitted: Surgical approaches to secondary glaucoma in pediatric uveitis
2023 Ocul Immunol Inflamm: Factors associated with glaucoma surgery in pediatric non-infectious uveitis.
2021 Ocul Immunol Inflamm: Physical and psychosocial health in pediatric uveitis patients.
2019 Proefschrift: Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in inflammatory eye diseases
2018 Ocul Immunol Inflamm: Efficacy of high dose methotrexate in pediatric non-infectious uveitis
2016 Ophthalmology: Retinal dystrophy in 6 young patients who presented with intermediate uveitis
2016 IOVS: Clinical manifestations and outcome of syphilitic uveitis
2012 Ophthalmology: Visual outcome, treatment results, and prognostic factors in patients with scleritis